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Just for fun we change the banner at the top of the page to celebrate a significant day or event. Above is todays banner. Our favouite event is the annual Talk like a Pirate Day but our favourite banner is the one we did for the 100th anniversary of Einsteins theory of relativity. We love our banners but let us know what you think. Go ahead and suggest ideas and submit your own banners. Contact us here
January - verarubin
January - newyear
January - elvis
January - bowie
January - burns
January - holocaust
January - moj
January - markesmith
January - lego60
January - superbluebloodmooon
January - TerryJones
January - ChineseNewYear
January - NicholasParsons
February - groundhogday
February - sixnations
February - shortestday
February - superbowl
February - worldcancerday
February - chinesenewyear
February - mardisgras
February - pancake
February - darwinday
February - valentine
February - leapyear
February - winterolympics2018
February - womenvote
February - AlbertFinney
February - kirkdouglas
March - stdavids
March - newpound
March - worldbookday
March - mothersday
March - revolution
March - ides
March - stpaddy
March - brussels
March - holi
March - easterrising1
March - boatrace
March - springforward
March - easter
March - zeebruger
March - alaska
March - easterrising2
March - worldbookday1
March - womensday
March - veralynn100
March - rednoseday
March - chuckberry
March - springequinox
March - nationalpoetryday
March - london
March - treatyofrome
March - rogerbannister
March - kendodd
March - stephenhawking
March - irishgrandslam
March - stormydaniels
March - KeithFlint
April - dickdale
April - ukraine
April - aprilfoolsday
April - grandnational
April - mastersgolf
April - prince
April - queensbirthday
April - shakespeare400
April - stgeorge
April - armenia
April - falklands
April - wilburwright
April - ella
April - guernica
April - gawthorpecoalcarrying
April - recordstoreday
April - avicii
April - edballsday
April - hillsborough30years
April - gameofthrones
April - coronavirus
April - philip
May - chineserevolution
May - queensspeech
May - facup
May - marathon
May - africaday
May - chelseaflowershow
May - championsleague
May - monaco
May - cheeserolling
May - towelday
May - mayday
May - cannes
May - roomformanchester
May - rogermoore
May - eurovision2018
May - royalwedding
May - mentalhealthawarenessweek
May - londonlegalwalk
May - ManchesterTogether
May - GDPR
May - GotIt
May - NikiLauda
May - JudithKerr
May - veday
June - sixdaywar
June - orlando
June - ali
June - fathersday
June - queensbirthday
June - brexit
June - glastonbury
June - pride
June - kissingday
June - battleofmidway
June - sgtpepper
June - summersolstice
June - exodus
June - generalelection
June - nomajority
June - nomajoritytwo
June - adamwest
June - u20worldcup
June - davidlidington
June - worldcup001
June - xxxtentacion
June - womensworldcup
June - windrush
June - veralynn
July - ramandanstart
July - eid
July - wimbledon
July - euro2016
July - tourdefrance
July - independenceday
July - 1966
July - tesla
July - bastille
July - mandeladay
July - blacklivesmatter
July - liztruss
July - nice
July - canada150
July - georgearomero
July - steveditko
July - pamplona
July - trumpinuk
July - lunaeclipse2018
July - tourdefrance2018
July - beano80
July - ArnoldBirthday
July - apollo11
July - RutgerHauer
August - olympics
August - revolver
August - bogsnorkeling
August - nottinghill
August - gravywrestling
August - bognorbirdman
August - diana20th
August - elvisdead
August - glorioustwelfth
August - brucie
August - jerrylewis
August - Aretha
August - VSNaipaul
September - eiduladha
September - buster
September - talklikeapirateday
September - blackpudding
September - gurning
September - biko
September - martinluther
September - germanelection
September - harrydeanstanton
September - hughheffner
September - burtreynolds
September - peaceday
October - yomkippur
October - hastings
October - pooh
October - aberfan
October - fallback
October - diwali2
October - che
October - sherlock125th
October - GeoffreyHayes
October - CarlosEzquerra
October - raygalton
October - AbbeyRoad
October - GingerBaker
October - SeanConnery
November - guyfawkes
November - uselection
November - armistice
November - worldtoiletday
November - fibonacci
November - castro
November - malcolmyoung
November - lilpeep
November - standrew
November - StanLee
November - WilliamGoldman
December - aids
December - christmas
December - pearlharbour
December - startrek
December - keithchegwin
December - ianmccaskill
December - hanukkah
December - georgemichael
December - PeteShelley
December - JuneWhitfield
Date - shortestday
Date - friday13
Date - agincourt
Date - baku
Date - bowie
Date - bttf
Date - charlie
Date - dawn
Date - diwali2
Date - eclipse
Date - einstein
Date - election
Date - gove
Date - gove2
Date - longqueen
Date - magnacarta
Date - paris15
Date - spectre
Date - starwars
Date - starwars2
Date - strike
Date - waterloo
Date - worldcuprugby
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News & Features

The Escape Fee Calculator is easy to use and will save you plenty of time

Escape Fees are not easy work out. But our Escape Fee Calculator makes it a quick and painless task. No more headaches. Work out what the rep and firm will earn with ease...
10 Steps to Become a Police Station Rep. Everything you need to know.

Do you want to be a rep? Becoming a police station rep is easier than you may think. You don't have to be a solicitor or have a degree. Our guide will show you how...
Essential law for reps. Just the useful stuff in plain English

Legal Updates aimed at police station reps not the dull stuff you get in CPD talks. Just the stuff you will actually use every day ...
How Much for an Interview? A complete list of all the police station rates.

What a police station attendance worth? Find out here with our complete list to the fees at all police stations in England & Wales...
Visit us on Facebook. Feel free to poke us, wave at us and get social

We now have a Facebook page so that we can keep in touch with reps and solicitors. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with our community...
Double Fees. The best Double Bubble guide on the web!

When can you claim two fees? A comprehensive and easy guide for when job can attract two fees. Its not easy but it can be done!...
Articles, Blogs & Ideas. The thoughts and ideas of a police station rep.

We host articles by written by police station reps. They can be thought provoking and interesting and are well worth reading.

Love the page banners? We most certainly love our banners. You can take a look at them all and maybe suggest one for the site yourself.

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No Comment featured in the Parliamentary Review 2018

The Parliamentary Review is a government publication for industry leaders to discuss best practice. No Comment is delighted to have been included.
Bugger Boris. Do not over claim travel costs. The LAA are on the prowl.

The LAA are targeting claims for mileage and disbs. Its another stick to beat the firms with and save money but its aggressive. Boris will help you beat the buggers...
This is what 1500 reps look like on a map. Where are all the Reps?

This map shows you where the reps are! The interactive map rather neatly shows just how well we cover the UK. Police stations and reps are on this interactive map...
The 3 things every rep needs to know about mileage and how to claim it

Mileage claims are getting tougher as the LAA tighten its belt. Get up to speed with our short guide to what you can and cannot get away with...
Wiki. Looking for legal updates? Check out our new wiki

If you need some advice or information take a look at our brand new police station reps legal wiki

The Fat Cats Stats. Updated. How much money is your firm earning? Who is Making Crime Pay?

How much is your firm making? Every criminal firm is listed in our fascinating list which shows you just who is making what. Every criminal firm and how many cases they are covering.

No Comment covers every Police Station, Every Day. Covering the whole UK 247 and 365 its the biggest police station rep agency in the UK.

Call now: 07534 533 070
Get Compliant Quick! You are liable for the firms errors. Get protected with our tool kit.

All reps deal with very sensitive personal information. Keeping data secure is what we do. But GDPR adds a few new layers so you need to get compliant...
©Matthew Fresco 1990www.policestationreps.com