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Lets face it we all love to fill out forms with our clients! No? Just me then. Well, loathe it or loathe it, forms are an important part of police station work. The LAA, Law Society and our instructing solicitors all require paperwork. Here at PoliceStationReps.com we thought we could try and help you out.

All the forms and documents below can be downloaded and used by you immediately. They are free of copyright. The downloads are all in various formats including Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF and OpenOffice ODT. But if you need a different format or are having any difficulty with them please let us know and we will provide them in a different format.

Updated on June 2021.
If any of the forms are out of date please let us know.
1. Police Station Rep Forms
2. CRM Forms
3. Example s9 Forms
Many solicitors want reps to use their own forms. Where possible we would recommend doing just that. But inevitably that leads to carrying around a dizzying number of forms. Designing your own attendance form is not that easy. Have a look at ours. It has served us well and you are welcome to take it (or any of our forms) and ammend it to suit your needs.
Police Station Attendance Form in ODT format
Police Station Attendance Form in PDF format
Police Station Attendance Form in DOC format
2nd Attendance Form:
We use this one for bail backs, second interviews, witness showings and any other attendance where the above form is unnecessary.
Inital Call Record:
Used when grabbing the basic information from custody, prior to attendance.
Court Attendance Form:
Handy for when you attend court.
Priviledge Waiver Form:
Use with extreme caution!
You can download the forms from the LAA website as well. Click here.
Updated June 2021
Consent: Online LA FormThis form allows the firm to lodge Legal Aid forms online. Every client should be signing this.
CRM1: Clients Details Despite fixed fees it is still essential to complete this form with every new client as solicitors can still use the form to claim some money outside of Legal Aid.
CRM2: Application for Advice & Assistance As Above. If the client is under 16 years of age the details on the form have to be those of the client's parent or guardian.
CRM14: Application for Legal Aid in Criminal ProceedingsThis form is no longer necessary but it still provides a good guideline for what financial information is needed to apply for Legal Aid.
CRM15: Financial StatementMore detailed financial info...
Occasionaly you will be asked to provide a s9 statement. Here is an example to use as a template. They are all identical but in different formats. If you can't open one then try another:
 pdf doc odt
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No Comment covers every Police Station, Every Day. Covering the whole UK 247 and 365 its the biggest police station rep agency in the UK.

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©Matthew Fresco 1990www.policestationreps.com